Once upon a time… the legend of the Amazons, a proud female army from Greek mythology. These tattooed women, known as the “pink warriors,” lived on the farthest edge of the then-known world, in a city on the coasts of the Black Sea.

It is said that the Amazons were deprived of their right breast, which were burned off in young age to improve their skill for using bows and arrows. The name “Amazons” in fact comes from the term a-mazòs, meaning “without breasts.”

It’s interesting observe that we still live in a context, we like or not “patriarchal”, the exact opposite of the Greek era, approximately around 450 a.C.: in the Amazon’s society, totally female warriors, domestic works was assigned to men while the Amazons were engaged in activities traditionally considered man’s job.

Many women are unintentionally the modern incarnation of these warriors, they fight the battle against female cancers with tenacity and courage.

Gemels dedicates this story of heroines to the association “Cuore di donna” and to Silvia, who recently passed away at the age of 87 after fighting for years an evil that thought would have had life easy, but on the contrary, met a strong warrior who won over it by giving it hard time.

Their determination and commitment are a guiding light of hope and inspiration for all who fight with this illness.

Dedicated to Cuore di donna, association against female cancer and all their female warriors fighting against evil as if they were the Amazons of our era… Are you interested to know more about the association? Click here –> CUORE DI DONNA – Più forti insieme!